How to Make America Great (An 8-Point Plan)

My optimism stems largely from a belief in progress. Progress is the inevitable outcome of accumulated knowledge and enlightenment. As we understand the world better, understand ourselves better, we come to understand how to improve the world and our place in it. The Progressive approach is guided by reason and virtue. In many regards (hunger,... Continue Reading →

Hands Off My Car

Car rights supporters are up in arms about measures that have curbed their freedom. The most egregious of these car controls is speed limits on how fast one can drive. "By imposing these limits on how fast I can drive," Carl, a car rights activist said, "they have taken my freedom to go as fast... Continue Reading →

Virtue and Reason Trump Hate

The Letter This is a letter that was sent to friends in our neighborhood in Longmont, Colorado (postmarked from Denver). D is brown, a 2nd generation Mexican/Spanish American (his father was born in Mexico, his mother's ancestry is Spanish, he was born in Texas). S is white, with ancestry in the United Kingdom. And their three... Continue Reading →

Scientific Policy

What kind of world would we live in if politics were largely guided by science rather than greed or special interests? Under new prime minister Justin Trudeau, Canada is revamping its environmental policy to "ensure that decisions on major projects are based on science, facts, and evidence." Funny that this is, in the words of Science... Continue Reading →

Sugar Conspiracy

I'm in my fourth month of time-restricted intermittent fasting - primarily eating in a six-hour window between 2 and 8 p.m. Along the way, I've been getting my cholesterol tested (results forthcoming). In addition to intermittent fasting, I've instituted three different diet phases. After the initial whatever/whenever diet (not so good for my cholesterol or... Continue Reading →

Poppa’s Internet Fuckwad Theory

There's a popular equation about internet trolling called the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory (GIFT):   I like the sentiment of this theory, but I think it's missing a wee little detail. You see, before Al Gore invented the internet* there were these things called bathroom stalls, and that's where trolls used to find release (sometimes literally)... Continue Reading →

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